About Us Professors Pub

We're just another bar, the kind that holds pinball and connect four tournaments, with an old-fashioned juke box that's connected to the internet, allowing you to play even the most eclectic music.

You won't find any frat boys here. Be ye hipster, punk, scenester or the average Joe, we welcome ye. Bring your friends, enjoy a beer without "light" or "ice" in the name, and have a conversation without yelling to the person next to you. Play a board game; beat the high score on our pinball machine; drink your 11% alcohol beer (we recommend slowly).

We have a brew for everybody. With 77 different types of beers, we dare you not to find at least one that suits your pallet. Check 'em out. We'll tell you how to choose the right one, you can take our quiz to see which one suits you best, or you can just pick the one with the coolest name. I mean, who wouldn't want to enjoy a Stone Arrogant Bastard?